Thursday, April 4, 2013


My prayer each day is that God will give me that strength I need for that day. Today I also need courage. To move on. To do what his will is. There is so much going on in life. And on top of my the physical issues I deal with regularly, I've also been sick with whatever yuck my community is passing around - on and off for weeks.

So today I'm just praying for the courage to continue to press forward. In this challenge, and in life.


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you get well better. Keep positive, that helps the defenses fight any ailment, I assure you. Hang in there! :D

    Father Dragon Writes

  2. Hi Christine. I am lifting a prayer for you right now. Be blessed, Maria from Delight Directed Living

  3. Hi, Christine: Sorry you're not feeling well. Fear not, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Blessings.

  4. Hope you get to feeling better.

    Cynthia (The Sock Zone)@#837

  5. Ah! Where are you? Don't let the big baddies of sickness keep you away! Hop back in with "F", eh? Feel better!

  6. Hoping that you get well very soon. Take care! Keep the faith.
